Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Formation Stage of Sochi Winter Olympics †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Formation Stage Of Sochi Winter Olympics? Answer: Introducation Months before the start of extravagant Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia has to face many problems. Olympics is the worlds biggest sporting event started in its modern form in 1896 has become most awaited and most celebrated sport event across the world (International Olympic Committee 2014). But the venue of event being Sochi which is a place in Russia was affected in a negative way due to disturbances in the region. War in Crimea and gay-rights activism sought to fade the charm of the winter Olympics. Suicide bombings in Volgograd and other corruption cases added to the difficulties. In the view of these events the overall security of the venues and stadiums was to be very impressive. Availability of airport-style security with x-ray, close range camera, motion detectors and what not was arranged by the Russian government. Deployments of police at every nook and corner and that too in good numbers were there. Another important aspect was the preparation of venues of the sports events such as ski jump which is the most favorite event of the Winter Olympics (International Olympic Committee 2014). Construction of platforms of the jump, cable cars and large galleries for spectators was done with much excellence. Erection of complexes on the angled ground, slopes of the Alpine Center and sideways of the Sanki Center were built for the race locations for downhill skiing. Growth Stage of Sochi Winter Olympics 2014: After these preparations which were done to set the stage for the Winter Olympics to happen the time came closer to the opening ceremony. It can be said that the growth stage of the event approached (Olympic.org 2017). Some of the important facets such as accommodation of the players and support staff for the entire Olympics event were arranged. Moreover, the spectators of Winter Olympics also need a place to stay which is to be managed. It was observed that the first impression of the kind of accommodation which was made available was not satisfactory. The lacuna being for the part of the hotel management and assisting media, Journalists and VIPs were to arrive to witness the event but the hotel facilities were not arranged as per their class and convenience (Thni 2014). It was understood from the IOC President Thomas Bach that only 3% of the hotels were arranged. It was a major Public Relation disaster and was slap on the faces of the loud mouth Russian Olympics management team who promised to be spectacular in their hospitality. This happened due to corruption in the management as cost was quoted very high and they were paid accordingly (Freccero 2014). But the reality was very lackluster and cattle class. Transportation is a very big issue in Russia. Winter Olympics can only be successfully organized if transportation is adequate and there is no problem in traversing through venues. Jokes were being made in the beginning that it will be easier to lay in caviar than using the tarmac. The budget of transportation was also huge as it amounted to $8.6 billion (International Olympic Committee 2014). Dual carriageway was constructed by cutting the paths in Olympic Park through the tough terrains of Caucus mountain range (International Olympic Committee 2014). Railways and roads were running parallel which may be called an engineering marvel. Chiseling of rivers and crossing the rock-strewn was a very ambitious thing to do and can be accomplished by doing construction on a grand scale. Staging of Sochi Winter Olympics 2014: The last level of the event life cycle is setting up the stage for Winter Olympics in Sochi to be broadcasted across the world. Olympics being the most awaited sports event attract and influence a huge number of spectators and youth towards it (Freccero 2014). So international broadcasting becomes the most prominent aspect. Advertisement on Social Media, broadcasting on channels like BBC World and Russia Today became major players. Broadcasting not only generates revenue but also has a cultural significance as athletes and aspirants all over the globe watch the games and get inspired (Freccero 2014). It was equally important for Russia to demonstrate its triumph in the field of sports in these difficult times. It was a challenge for Russia to slap its critics who doubted its abilities to organize and manage such a huge event. Russia conducted a research in the broadcasting field and made a nexus with the social media to cover the entire Winter Olympics (Thni 2014). It created a multi -disciplinary team which included scholars from Sociology and Computer Science and veterans of Russian studies. It helped in tackling the geopolitical problems of the West and Russia as it made the Winter Olympics look like a major global event. It crossed the threshold of Nation Branding and Cosmopolitan Bonding, the issues which could have faced criticism. Infusion of technology for managing the media and events made things easy. Use of mobiles and real-time methods of broadcasting helped to showcase the proper theme of Winter Olympics. This multi-modal approach made it possible for Russia to validate the post-Cold War developments of Russian mindset. Recommendations: Despite the efforts made by Russia to successfully organize and end the Winter Olympics 2014 in Sochi there were some things which could have been done to maximize the impact of the event and uphold the charm of words biggest sports conglomeration. Russia being a country which is in uncomfortable relationship with the West could have done more to make enhance the impact of Winter Olympics. Russia could have involved big players of the hospitality industry to manage its accommodations. Big names such as Intercontinental, J.W. Marriot and may more hotel chains could have done the job effortlessly and with greater expertise. Reliance on self-sustainability is good but extending hand for help does the work sometimes. Russian engineering is world class which is an established fact but involving players of real estate could have helped in construction of venues and facilities at much cheaper rates. Introduction of new technology could have found better use in construction in tough terrains of Russia. In the growth stage of Winter Olympics, the players and athletes should have been made comfortable to the surroundings which is radically different for some people hailing from African countries. There should have been proper arrangement to see that they do not fall sick due to change in the climate. Transportation should have been improved for the spectators to traverse between venues to witness various sports events. Fooding and restaurants should have been made available with much ease to the staff and spectators so that they can fully enjoy the charm of Winter Olympics. Russian officials of media and broadcasting should have kept the political issues separate from the sporting event. It creates a lot of fuss and feeling of divergence from the main theme of Olympics which is to establish harmony and sense of unity. With the use of social media and internet broadcasting of each and every event in real-time should have been made possible so that no event could go unseen and unheard. More number of media veterans should have been involved for better coverage and advertisement as sports is the realm of spectators. It is the duty of the organizers to cover each and every event completely. 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